miercuri, 5 mai 2010


Cred ca fiecare copil asteapta cu aceeasi bucurie vacanta de Paste, asa cum am asteptat-o si eu anul acesta. Pentru mine aceasta vacanta are o insemnatate mare deoarece imi place foarte mult sa merg la Biserica .Dar si pentru ca de Sfintele sarbatori de Paste mama ne pregateste multe bunatati culinare.As dori sa enumar cateva dintre feluritele mancaruri si prajituri pe care mama ni le pregateste: in primul rand traditionalele oua rosii, ( la a caror pregatire eu si sora mea luam parte alaturi de mama sau de tata in joia Pastelui), drob, ciorba de miel, sarmale dar si gustosii cozonaci si felurite prajituri.
Imi place foarte mult vacanta de Paste deoarece in prima sau a doua zi de Paste mergem la padure si acolo ma intalnesc cu o parte din colegi, cu care ma joc cu mingea si alte jocuri.
In final as putea sa spun ca vacanta de Paste este pentru mine cea mai asteptata vacanta.

I expect that every child with the same joy of Easter holiday, as we expected it and I this year. For me, this holiday has great significance because I really like going to church. But because the Risen Christ of Easter goodies culinare.As mother prepares us more like to enumerate some of feluritele dishes and cakes that my mother prepares us : firstly traditional red eggs (in the preparation of which I and my sister take part with his mother or father Easter Thursday), block, lamb soup, cakes and rolls but gustosii various cakes.
I love the Easter holiday as the first or second day of Easter we go to the forest and there I met with some colleagues with whom I play ball and other games.
In the end I could say that the Easter holiday is for me the most awaited holiday.

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